Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Quick List

Just get a  semi-quick and random list for the blog today.

  1. Daily blogging continues. However boring it may be.
  2. My grandson, Little Farmer, is remaining in the womb, 34 weeks and counting.  No matter how anxious he is to be born, I am just as happy to wait a few more weeks to meet him.
  3. We had snow in October.  Hoping for much more.
  4. Knitting continues on the Green and White Jacket, as well as the Gray Spiral Blankie.  Both need a pattern around to refer to occasionally.  Dare I continue to look for a truly brainless pattern to work on?
  5. I am tired of channel surfing.  I want my movie channel back.  Most of the more recent movies I have been able to stand to watch are either children's movies or so laden with profanity that I have to keep changing channels.  There is a LOT to be said for the old classic movies.  I miss them.
  6. Cat picture, just because.

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