Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Happy Blogiversary!

That's right. This silly little blog of mine has been going on for seven years today.  You can see the archives in the sidebar if you want to see just how silly they have been.  (I had a great yearly series on The Stupid Time Change.)
I started out on this adventure because so may of my knitting friends were doing blogs, mostly about their knitting.  Mine was going to be that, but more, with family and life thrown in.  That first post wasn't much, but it did mention what I was knitting and spinning.  No pictures. I had to figure out the process for that yet.  And refigure it several times in the last several years, as computers and cameras changed.
I still plod along with this, sometimes using my computer, more often the antique first generation iPad that I bought used. But I have been able to post on the fly with my phone as well.
Many of those friends no longer blog,  Other friends have started and stopped blogging in the past seven years.  Many of the blogs I followed then, I still follow with the help of Feedly after Google Reader abandoned me.  For example:  Pink Lemon Twist, and my beloved Yarn Harlot.  Both of those are mostly knitting.  I have found new ones to follow most recently is Jean's Knitting.  Though these blogs I have been able to touch the lives of people in Texas (Pink Lemon), Canada (Yarn Harlot) and even Scotland (Jean).  Until it ended, I greatly enjoyed the upside down weather via the blog of a knitter in Australia.
I know my blog is nothing spectacular, but it has been fun, challenging and a bit of a disciplinarian.  I almost made it a full month of daily posting, missing only a couple days in the past month.   I hope that you have enjoyed and perhaps continue to enjoy the journey with me.
And just because I don't want to go without a picture, here is one from March 2013.  But it is a good picture of what it looked like all day today.
Yea winter!
Here is to another seven years, perhaps a bit more family heavy, as I gain a grandson to go with my instant granddaughter Lil Farm Gal.  But I promise knitting, and life and farming as we go along.

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