Monday, November 24, 2014

And We Are Good to Go

After sketching, measuring, calculating, and designing, I think I am finally ready to take on the Green Flowy Cardigan.

This isn't a regular sweater knitting adventure. For one thing there is no pattern for me to tweak. I am using the basic outline for my gauge from the book shown above right. But I am adding wide front overlaps that will hang open. That is the "flowy" part. My rough sketches and schematic measurements for the sweater are on left.

I found a cable in another book. The chart was pretty tiny so I had to enlarge it. Actually I used some charting software to chart the knit and purl stitches. However the software didn't have the size cable icons I needed. So I printed off the basic chart and sketched in the cables myself. That is shown pictured above in the middle, with my swatching information below on a sticky note.

Then came calculating stitch counts. And that is where the rubber meets the road. Luckily I checked the gauge of my swatch before and after washing because there was quite a big difference. After washing the stitches per inch were less, but the rows per inch were more. Hmmm? Maybe that is why people (including me sometimes) think gauge lies. So I am basing my stitch and row counts on the "after washing" gauge. I'll finish the back and wash that and see if it is the right size then. Hopefully, gauge and the good Lord willing, it will be fine.

And here I am, ten rows of seed stitch so far for the back. Wish me luck!

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