Saturday, January 30, 2016

All Over But the Blocking

The Lilac Cardigan will soon be ready to go to live with the Purple Princess.

With the pieces all knit last week it was just a matter of sewing up. And I may have mentioned that I hate sewing up modified drop sleeves. Before that could be done, the shoulders needed to be seamed closed. Here is one sewn, one waiting.

With the shoulders done came the fussy part with the sleeves. I am never quite sure of the best way to work them.

After pinning them around the shoulders, I decided the best thing to do was to sew up the sleeve to the orange markers. Then I could sew the rest of the sleeve into bottom of the arm and continue around the arm. And then repeat on the other side.

As easy as pie.

All remaining in the picture above is the neckband and buttons. Those are now done. But the picture of the finished sweater will wait till my next post.

That way I know someone will read my next post.

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