With thoughts, and occasional rants, on farm, family and crafting. Just to stay sane, I knit. A lot!
It even fit, although the garter stitch has lots of give and it will maybe fit this fall yet.
The fog was like pea soup when I delivered it. The temps on upper 50's made a mess of my glorious snow banks and with the winds caused the fog to billow across the road.
Michigan cellars are not good for rapid thaws. Hubby had to dig out the sub-pump and pump out the basement. Michigan cellars of course just have dirt floors and water was running down under the steps. He was up half the night and pumped it 5 times. Since our pump does not have a shut off, he had to stay awake to pump.
And look at the hay fields. That tree out there is in the ditch between our 2 hay fields. Near the botttom, in the open water is a little whirlpool caused by the tube that runs under the road that was vainly trying its best to drain the fields. And at this point, on my way home from church, the water had gone down quite a bit.
As you can see, we had a bit of snow. Since it started Sunday, there of course was no plowing or salting of roads until today. Maybe in the spring time.
I knit some more on the Baby Surprise Jacket I have started for Luke. Does it look like a sweater yet? I just hope I can figure out how to sew it together once I am done with it.
I also worked on the rose green cardigan. Several rows, but since it is just above the joined sleeves, each row takes about 5 years to finish. Well, maybe I do exaggerate a little. But it is slow going.
And, just to be totally wicked, I cast on yet another project. I purchased the pattern for the Wrap Me Up Shawl at the Charlevoix fiber festival. I have the yarn, but put other projects in front of it. I cast on last Friday and have about a third of the first block done. It is a sampler shawl, with many techniques and stitch patterns to keep you from being bored. I love working with the self striping yarns.
Of course Hubby found ways to keep me busy since I was home today. I had to help him load cattle, along with Younger Son, into the cattle trailer for a trip to the auction. Then later, after Hubby came home, we had to put the calf crate into the little truck to go back to buy another calf at the auction. Now that he is gone, I am blogging and spinning this evening. He has the fire all stoked up and I am toasty and warm, with a puppy on my toes.