Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cardigan Delivered

Maggie's fuchsia cardigan and booties has been delivered. While I am
posting this away from home, and without the pictures of booties and
cardigan available I will try to add them later.
However I did not get any pictures of myself and Maggie, because,
well, frankly I was too busy cuddling the little cutie. That and the
fact that I left my camera in the car. And my arms were full of
Maggie almost the entire time I was there.
Maggie's mom, Kate and I caught up on lots of gossip, and I also had
the chance to interact a lot with her next youngest. I havn't had
much time with him since he was a baby, but he had to keep coming to
give his baby sister kisses and I got a chance to chat with him while
I brushed off the crumbs his kisses left on his sister's hair. Such
brotherly devotion from the former baby of the family! He is so
devoted that he has even given up being his father shadow on the farm,
and wants to stay where Maggie is.
Again, thanks Kate, Maggie and family for the wonderful time, both the
pink knitting and the cuddling.

1 comment:

Christylea said...

Love it! Hope you hugged her lots. I'm sure she's missing her Aunt Christy :)