Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Half Done

November is half done today.  Of course I started this daily posting a day late.  But, what to write?
Hmmm, it is Opening Day of firearm deer season.  It's a big deal in this part of Michigan, some schools even have the day off.  But none of my immediate family hunts.
Knit Nite tonight.  I worked on my Double Heelix foot, and some on my shawl.  The lace banished Evelyn's to being "home in my rocker" knitting.
And in just over 6 weeks till I lose jobs number 7 and 8, on the same day no less.  While there is something in the offing, it may take it a while to get up to speed (with paychecks).
So, what to write?  Sorry folks. I got nothing to read today.
Maybe the rest of the month will have real content.
So till tomorrow, here is a ransom knitting picture.

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