Friday, February 5, 2016

My "Unyarn!"

This morning, as I headed out to do an errand, I noticed this rather tightly stuffed bag in the garage. From Reykejavic Iceland!

Doing a little happy dance, I grabbed it, put it in the car and went on my way. When I got home, I opened it.

One plate of White and eight plates of Winter Blue Heather Plotulopi, aka unspun Icelandic wool, or as I like to call it unyarn.

As you can see at the top of my stack of wool plates, there was a bit of mess to get through to start knitting. Actually I managed, after several false starts, to find a promising end. I had several shorter bits, but being a grabby wool, they were easily joined, almost like spit splicing. You can see several of the wound up ends as I untangled the mess.

You see above and below just how wispy this unyarn is. Definitely no spinning done. But, surprisingly, once I conquered the mess shown above (which mostly was pulled thru the middle from the next plate down), the knitting went very well.

I knit up two swatches that have been soaking for an hour or so. I am ready drain, squeeze in a towel and lay out to dry overnight.

Maybe I can start tomorrow to Bang Out my Freyja.

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