Saturday, February 27, 2016

Giving Up, Taking On

One thing I didn't mention on my resolution review was how well I am going with my Lenten discipline.

And so far so good. I have not read any political blogs, although I have to confess to seeing some of the same information on Facebook posts. And although I really want to pick up the next book in two different mystery series, I have refrained from reading any novels. I did manage to finish reading Spoon River Anthology, a classic book of poems I was introduced to in high school literature class. A bit draggy towards the end but I finished it.

I have also been reading some books on Catholicism and am ready to start reading a book called The Emmaeus Road, linking the Old Testament to Jesus throughout the Bible. I am quite excited to begin. And on Kindle, I am reading the fascinating book on Cleopatra. (It better be good after I paid for it twice!)

I realize this post could belong on my alternate blog, but it is more about items mentioned here in the past, so here it stays.

In the mean time, here is a picture to distract you of an adorable child.

"And this is my nose."

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