Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Funky Post? Plus--Craft Room is Cruisin'

I have no idea why Sunday's post is so funky looking.  It is acting like I have several invisible pictures messing with the borders.  Humph. 
I neglected to mention some of the improvements on my craft room.  I think Hubby has given in and accepted the fact that I am claiming the entire room AND closet.   Even the extra drawers the boys left I am sure I can manage to fill. 
In all our weekend trips to Menards, neglected to state some of our purchases for the room.  We picked out a medium green with an egshell finish in a green called Green Silk.  And there was laminate flooring on sale, a natural oak color.  The paint guy was worried that the room would be too dark, since we are painting all 4 walls and the ceiling with the same color.  But since the room has two windows facing south and west, I think it will have plenty of light coming in.  Plus the flooring is a very light color so that will help too.
Bro-in-law Carl and his friend are back today sanding off the lumpy dry wall putty and putting on a finish coat.  Then--on to the painting.  I am hoping they will get into that mess this weekend when I am gone. 


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