Sunday, December 14, 2014

Decorating and Delivery

Granny seemed to approve of the Green and White Jacket that I remembered to deliver this morning.  I had it tucked into my new green basket that I purchased last week.  She had wanted to see the basket so that helped me remember.
The baskets that I featured on a recent blog post seem to be quite popular.  It sounds like we will be having a Ladies Night Out and have Teresa show her baskets and tell us about her experiences and work in South Sudan.  I am quite excited about it.
After the service at church today, we got around to decorating the church.  Actually this is a week early for the Episcopal church.  We usually wait until the last Sunday of Advent, and then after the service, before the Christmas Eve Service we green the church.
I really perfer it that way, as Altar Guild still has to change the candles, frontals, and all from Advent purple to Christmas white.  So we will be busy after church next week too.
It is getting closer and closer.
I will need to start wrapping presents soon.

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