Sunday, August 29, 2010


Friday, Mary and I continued our 4 year tradition, venturing down to St Joe to visit Christy and help set up her classroom. No trip to the Joe is complete without a glimpse of Lake Michigan. This is peek at the beach at the park next to her summer job. The waves breaking on the rock breakwal were gorgeous.
We thought we were in for a peaceful visit. Christy had her usual long list of jobs for us to tackle, mostly cutting, cleaning, ironing, wrapping, and having fun.
No storms on the horizon this year, as we have had before. Cooler temps, and we thought all would be well.
And except for an exciting hour of family phone calls, text messages and dropped calls back and forth--involving Irish diplomats, car accidents and stitches, a great time was had by all. Well maybe all except Mary.
Here is Mary finishing one of her final tasks, wrapping a box deemed ugly by Christy.
And here I am....oh, wait, I was taking a camera break. Anyway, here was my work station where I cut, and sorted and so on most of the day.
And before we left, one of their family cousins stopped by (who is also a knitter and a Ravelry and FaceBook friend of mine,) and we had a quick lunch before Cousin Jaimie headed back to her conference, and Mary and I headed home.
Good times.

1 comment:

Christylea said...

Thanks so much for your help! I love this tradition!