Monday, April 13, 2009

Saturday Travels

Saturday, Sadie went to a better place. No, I didn't do her in, although I was sorely tempted the day she bit me. (And I am still nursing the spots where she bit me.)

No, I took the scenic route to the not too far north central Michigan where Sadie came from. On the way I found a yarn shop I had been wanting to visit. I got some yarn for a stealth gift project. I had my audio book in one ear, and thus finished "Tess of the D'ubervilles" on the way.

Kelly graciously took back Sadie. I explained that a friend thought her problem may have been raging hormones. After all, it is spring, and she is a bunny. Kelly said she would put her in with Mr Vanilla, to help mellow her out. As I said, she is in a better place.

So, yes I also came home with the little blue boy you saw in a previous post. Blue eyes and blue fur, with some apricot touches on feet and ears. I am naming him Frankie S for Old Blue Eyes, Frank Sinatra.

He is settling in just fine, but seems lost in the cage that Sadie seemed almost cramped in. And speaking of the old gal..Kelly wrote me that she sheared off her wool and is sending me about 4 oz of angora from her.
She is going to be too embarrased to meet the buck.

1 comment:

Angie J said...

OH sure be 2 miles away from where I live and Miss me hitting the Ludington LYS store probably by 2 minutes too.

The bunny is adorable. Yup I live about 2.5 miles away from Kelly believe it or not, and I did go into town that day to the Yarn store LOL

Happy Easter