Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Life Progress

Even with all the stress in my life lately, I have been knitting.  I have done some, about a foot on the Oatmeal Lozenge shawl.  And quite a bit on the Rose Garden Triangle since the last pictures. In spite of that being an "at home" project.
My zany co-worker and I have had to put our cemetery blog on hiatus for a while, but we are planning to continue our partnership.  With the economy the way it is, and needing extra income, we are going to reinvent the bus tour business she used to have.
We have designed business cards, gathered some bus activities and even planned some of the publicity and trips.  While this is a new business venture for me, it is something she did quite successfully in the past.  I can do newsletters and techy stuff, as well as guide a tour or two. 
And if we take a bus load to a casino or someplace I'm not interested in, well ,I'll just pack my Joy and spin while waiting.  And think of all the prime knitting time I could have on the road! 
Wish us luck.

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