With thoughts, and occasional rants, on farm, family and crafting. Just to stay sane, I knit. A lot!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Water, Water Everywhere
After a great day Saturday, I came home and added more chili powder to the crock pot.
After supper, I rinsed out the chili pot and Hubby went out to fill cattle water tanks.
A little later, in he came. "What did you do to the water?"
ME? I did nothing. But lo and behold, no water. None in the kitchen, none in the tub, and none, (Yikes!) in the toilet.
Lots of water in the pasture, lots in the ditch out back of the hay field. Lots by the tube under the road. None in our faucets.
Hubby called plumber, left message.
I take my pills with V8 juice. While its good alone, not great with metformin. I decided to pass on brushing my teeth with V8.
Next day, missed church. Still no water. Later Hubby and I head to friends farm. I got 2 gallons of water for consumption. He got a couple big (about 20 gallon?) tanks of water for animals and bathroom.
Ahhhhh, no more fuzzy teeth. Minty fresh. After a sponge bath, I feel almost human.
Monday at 8:00 plumber calls. Finally at noon yesterday, we got water. The cause? A bug (critter, not electronic type) in the switch.
Ain't mother nature wonderful?
Monday, March 29, 2010
Spin In-Knit In

Saturday, March 27, 2010
What a Great Book!

I had to wait over a month for the book to become available at my local library, and now that I have it in my hands, I can see why. The pictures are mouthwatering and show every step.
Her blog is also wonderful. If you like pictures, cooking, basset hounds, kids and life in the country, you really need to check it out.
And the book too. I may need to buy this one.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Michigan at Her Finest
And next week they are calling for 68 degrees at the end of the 7 day forecast. And I've heard rumors of 70 or higher for Easter.
Ahhhh Michigan. Never a dull moment.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Purple Yoke Sweater
I haven't had time to come up with a fancy name for it yet. Maybe marl yoke sweater, how does that sound?

I have about 9 inches knit so far. The stripe is 4 rows of my handspun marl yarn. When I get to about 11 inches from bottom, I plan on adding pocket stitches in waste yarn. Then when all is done, (or when I feel like a challenge.) I can unravel the waste yarn, pick up stitches and knit a couple pockets.
I put on my Old Jeans blue sweater and measured the perfect pocket position on that and will just carry over to this.
Two Weeks and Done

Knit in Knit Picks Shine Worsted, colorway Ebony, size six needles, and 7 for the ruffle. It is sooooo sooooft. I love it. The ruffles at the bottom are especially nice.
Gertrude modeled for pictures. It does look small on me, but my sister-in-law tried it on when I dropped it off. The shawl fits her wonderfully, better than on Gertie. Angela is even narrower in the sholders so it should work fine for her. She should be up for Easter to get it.
And speaking of Gertrude. I have been asked by my friend Sheila (one of my friends with sheep) to do a Make Your Own Gertrude workshop some weekend at her shop. You may remember when I first made Gertrude, November of 2008. We will compare calendars this Saturday at a Knit In/Spin In in Big Rapids so we can set a date.
It did take a while for me to be able to look at her comfortably, but Gertrude is the best for making sweaters and shawls. Easy to try on for size. I can see it better on her than on me.
Monday, March 22, 2010
A Spring Rescue, by Gilbert the Wonder Dog
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
If I'm Not Posting, I Must be Knitting

I refurse to call it Daylight Savings Time because it doesn't save daylight, merely shifts it around. When I was a growing farmgirl, I know dairy farmers were greatly inconvienced by this time shifting business. People may know enough to get up early, but try talking to Momma Cow. Gets her off her schedule and decreases production (and hence, profitability) for several days. When I was teaching, you had a week or so of cranky kids who were not adjusting. And in my later years as an office worker it had the same consequence with co-workers.
I may have mentioned it before, but I HATE the whole concept of Daylight Savings Time. When the sun isn't even overhead until 2pm or later, it is just too out of sync.
My feelings are--if those East Coast folks want to have more daylight to play around after work, just change their work hours, not everyone's lives.
At the risk of sounding redundant---I HATE THE TIME CHANGE!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
SHHHH--Don't Tell Anyone
Or if not good, (what with under-employment, the economy and a boom-a-rang child among other joys of life) at least fairly tolerable?
That was me last week. I'm bopping along, knitting, spinning, playing with dog and bunny when out of the blue it hit me.
I'm going to be 59 years old this year. Holy Crap!
Now you got to realize that, all along, I never minded turning 30, 40, or even 50. It was 29, 39, 49 that bugged me. (It always sounds like you're lying about your age.)
Especially 49. On the same day, my 49th birthday, I got an invite in the mail to join AARP ( I was too young to be eligible!) And asked at the grocery store if I qualified for the Senior Discount. (I was honest, I didn't want to be carded.). AND worse off all, a coupon for Depends. (Never mind whether or not I need them--it's the thought here.)
Talk about a depressing birthday.
And now this year, here comes another one of those loser Niner years.
Life is the pits.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Some Bunny Loves Me

I really enjoyed myself, I may even go again sometime. After all, I do have one travel cage. Hmmmmm. Joni has longer fur, but he is a rarer color. And when I had them in to groom, Frankie does sit up in a more compact stance.

Anyway, on a related note, I started my niece's nursing shawl, in Knit Picks Shine, in Ebony, which is a pretty soft black. It isn't even too hard to knit that color in the evening, and so soft.
Friday, March 5, 2010
The Trials and Joys of Farm Life
When I arrived home, Hubby was trying to reach Older Son. Our one older cow was off her feed, and symptoms looked she had lost the unborn calf. Older Son commandeered his buddy Henry and they and Hubby tried to "pull the calf." Calf was indeed dead, and when they were done, so was cow. There went the property taxes.
This week, things were looking brighter. Hubby counted our big round 800 pound bales of hay. After putting an ad in the local buyers guide, we got a couple calls, and before you knew it, we had sold 30 bales of hay.
Hubby is smiling and life was looking up.
But he still won't take me to dinner tonight.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Sweater Tales

And on the new project front, here is the yarn I am using for the new sweater I mentioned. It is one piece and I have four inches already, after casting on Tuesday. Remember that it takes a bunch of stitches to get around me. This time though, I think I have the ease thing under more control.

The multicolor is my handspun falklands and Cherry Tree Hill top in the cool colorway. I split it multiple times when spinning to preserve multiple color changes. One of them match the heather yarn perfectly.
And it is the perfect thing to work on while I wait for the worsted weight Knit Picks Shine to come that I am using to make my niece a nursing shaw.
Like I need an excuse to start something new.