Monday, May 25, 2009

In Honor and Memory of Heros

On this Memorial Day, I remember and thank those who fight and those who have died.
As this scratchy picture states, this is Gilbert Samis, a distant double cousin of mine who died in World War I. He was the son of my great-grandmothers brother and my great-grandfather's sister. According to the newspaper articles about his death he volunteered and served first on the Mexican border, and then after being discharged, joined the infantry again to fight in France. He died late October 1918, just days before the Armistice.

This is the grave of my half great-uncle Paul Davis. He also volunteered, enlisting in 1939. After serving in various locations, he died in October 1944, serving as part of Patton's drive to Germany. He died fighting for his country and others.

Other members of my family also fought and although they did not die, I also honor them for their service. This is my dad in the middle with Uncle Don and Uncle Howard on either side of him.

Now my nephew serves in Afghanistan. I admire his courage and keep him in my prayers.

For all who have served and died, served and survived, and who will some day serve. I salute you.

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