Monday, November 17, 2008

Meet Gertrude and Other Projects

I finished my dress form, Gertrude. Scary as she is, I think she will be quite useful. I got a big piece of cardboard from Jane and finished stuffing her. Now I can see fit sweaters just a bit easier.

So sad, my belly is bigger than the girls.

I spent some time knitting as well as spinning while watching the races this weekend. I spun up one bobbin of the red icelandic and started the last bobbin of my finn roving.

The sweater for Luke is almost done. Probably would have been if I hadn't been sorting patterns and looking for one of the Baby Surprise Jacket, as well as a lace stole for use with some shetland. I should be able to have at least this jacket done by Thanksgiving, once I buy buttons and weave in ends. (UGH). Then I can surprise them with the Baby Surprise Jacket. I may even e-mail them a picture in progress, to see if they can figure out what it is. But for now, here is a picture of the sweater still in progress.

1 comment:

Angie J said...

you didn't use any of your roving stash to fill Gertrude up did you? If you ever get wool, like White Welsh Mountain top (dry brittle and all guard hair) you could use that for filling.

Congratulations on the Races, and see isn't the Baby Surprise Jacket an easy knit. Knitting and About dot com has a pattern for a different type of collar that's adorable.

angie who is anxiously awaiting the results of her car (if it's fixable or not)