Friday, September 11, 2015

Knitting at the Sale

These past few days my church has been holding our indoor yard sale (or maybe they called it an indoor garage sale this year.)

I was t able to attend and help earlier this week because of my date with my Little Farmer, and yesterday was the beginning of Bible Study as well as lunch with my aunt and cousins. More on Bible Study another time, but today I was able to help hold down the fort at church, in spite of my gimpy leg. I also got some knitting in.

We had a steady flow of customers, but I was able to still finish my knitting on the main body of the Gray Spiral Blankie. I also nearly finished the body of the Purple Swing Cardigan for my forthcoming grandniece.

I didn't manage to come home with all my cash though. See that small book case by that table my one needle is pointing at?

That and a hoe were my two major purchases. I also got a tin canister to store my buttons in, and a Stephen Ambrose book, Band of Brothers.

And when I got home, after getting a larger size needle, I started the sideways garter stitch border and bi doff.

This sideways border is the best way I know to cast off with a stretchy border in a circular project. This time I am adding a short row of four stitches every few rows to keep the border from being too tight and curling.

I wonder if I can finish the border cast off before the Lions game on Sunday. I will need to work on my Scoreboard Cowl then.


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