Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Climbing the Family Tree

Who would have thought that a day so clear and sunny could be so wet?

Yesterday one of my distant cousins and I went cemetery hopping. It was a gorgeous day, bright and sunny. But how is it that it didn't occur to either one of us that the grass would still be laden with dew there, just like it was at home? I guess we were to excited to hunt up our ancestors.

Cuz had prepared a list of the family members we could expect at the first cemetery. Shortly after we drove in, she spotted the first familiar names, albeit part of her side of the family. After moving and tromping around, we finally spotted a few. (Sorry about the lack of pertinent pictures, but I used my camera, so need to get the laptop out to download them.)

However after that good start, we bottomed out. Then she had the idea to check out Find-a-Grave, a website that has photo's of graves taken and uploaded so distance relatives can find them. With the photo's there, we had an idea of the size and material we were looking for.

Before long we managed to find a zinc marker with several names on it. And before we knew it, we had found all the names our list.

We even had time to visit another cemetery, and trudge through the still wet grass there to find some more relatives.

Two hours, two cemeteries, and mission accomplished. With wet feet.

Next month, weather permitting we will try to visit another cemetery near these, with loads more Allens, Fords, and Bartos. Like my great gram shown below.

And we will either wear waterproof shoes, or bring spares.

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