Friday, February 27, 2009

And the Rain Came

TONS of rain yesterday. Or at least it seems that way on the frozen ground. Our hay field is again flooded, although it is staying about a foot below the surface of the road. And today, it is all covered with ice gain.
I managed to get some work done and the heel is turned on the Iris Mini Mochi sock. That extra half size on the needle sure makes it quick to knit.

That and the fact that I have been ignoring the Pink Lady sweater. That will get its turn this weekend, as well as some on Maidenshawl.

I also missed out on Spinning today. I was asked to substitute for Sandy who has been off almost all week with a chipped ankle that refused to return to normal size. I will also be getting in extra hours next week, as she won't return until Thursday at the earliest. I hated to miss the Spin Guild, but would have hated even more missing the extra hours, now that I have FINALLY been offered a few.

Sandy and Lois still are trying to get me a permanent extra day. That would give me enough hours for vacation time, as well as holiday and sick time I think.

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