Today was the 7th Annual Drive Your Tractor to School Day, sponsored by the local Future Farmers of America chapter.
This year, a local excavating company sponsored someone to drive one of their Caterpiller loaders, that sat among the Case, Olivers, Fords, John Deeres and Internationals and others.Old tractors and new, large and small.
And the massive.
The first year they did this, my oldest son helped film commercials that played on the schools televised announcements. Tractor Love and Superheros.
I love living in rural America.
Oh yes, the tractors eached displayed a sign, with the driver's and tractor owner/sponsor's names. And an agricultural quiz was in a folder you can see attached to each tractor. Fun and educational. And then of course there is the hay bale toss and pie eating contest.
And a great way to spend the last day before Spring Break. They never did fun things like this when I was in school.