Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Long Time--No Write

Yeah, I know it has been a while. I have been fretting about Younger Son's graduation party. Last Friday, my friend Sandy nurtured me through the shopping and on Saturday, other than the fact we still had way too much food (My fault, I was paranoid about running out!) everything went well.
Well aside from the fact I left my purse locked in side the hall and had to have to township supervisor come unlock to door to let me get it.
And...aside from the fact that I think I left a bucket or two of ice cream in the freezer. But I am waiting till Friday when someone is in the hall to get that.
But Son was happy. Cake was WONDERFUL. And life goes on.
Not much knitting done, but I have been spinning away. I hope to finish spinning the last of my light gray Shetland and plying it tomorrow.
And I will have completed my challenge for the Tour De Fleece. I think I will jump right into some of my October Sky will and finish up some more of that. I won't have it done by the 27th, but I can make a good dent in it. I knew when I set up my goal, I had to plan on missing this past weekend, but got a lot done in spite of that.

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