Sunday, August 14, 2016

Hot and Cranky

That's the only excuse I have for my lack of blogging recently. It is a bit better today. Or at least less humid. But high humidity is listed for the rest of the week. Ugh! I am sooooo ready for cooler than average weather.

Even the garden is a loss. It was too hot to venture out very long. With Hubby at the fair all week, I just couldn't face picking anything. I picked a few beans the other day to give the chickens, but that has been all. I should look to see if any of the tomatoes are getting ripe.

I could use a good tomato and miracle whip sandwich on whole wheat toast. Yum.

Yesterday Hubby and I attended a surprise 80th birthday party for a friend and former co-worker of his. Luckily it was inside, but still warm.

On a lighter note, the usual rain during the fair helped the corn fields again. But why does it always rain fair week?

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