Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Anyone Know What This Is?

Getting readily for spin guild yesterday I decided to grab something new to spin fo a change.  I have seven full bobbins ready to ply of Jacob wool.  There are also two finished skeins.  Plus most to the original nine pounds of Jacob roving still in the bag.  (I think there is a sweater hiding in there somewhere.)
But back to the current spinning.
I love this roving!  But I don't know exactly what it is or who/where it is from.  The white I am pretty sure is silk.  Contrasts nicely and is slightly stubby, it spinns like a dream.  The black though is the puzzle.  Is it merino?  Maybe super soft cormo?  It could even be alpaca.
And where did I find it?  I am vaguely remembering a heavenly mix from Counting Sheep Farm.  But with no receipt in the bag, I am at a loss.
Does anyone recognize this fiber?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is S-W-E-E-T!