Sunday, August 18, 2013

And Non-Progress Report

A great day today, celebrating the coming birth of the baby of some friends. Lots of fun, and I got some baby time with my little buddy Max again.

I finally met Older Son's girl friend, and her daughter. The daughter's sweater was approved of and the sleeve fit at least.

But when I got home, I reviewed some of my projects, and decided to visit the frog pond. The black cotton tee was the first to go. I wasn't going back to knit on It because the dark yarn on my dark size two needles were hard to see. Not to mention slow going. Two balls rewound.

That was at least something that had been worked on this year. The other project was probably from 2005 or 2006. I had started a simple feather and fan shawl out of a skein of Helen's Lace in aqua with blue and purple. I also has a skein of solid JaggerSpun Zephyr in aqua. Both are 50/50 wool silk blends. But I hadn't touched that project in years. So it was frogged as well. Granted, that was ripped back, because I wanted the size 5 needles, but ripped none the less.

So only negative progress today,aside from the second sleeve on my pink purple sweater. But I did gain more yarn to knit. For free!

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