Monday, May 20, 2013

He Walked Away

The big news in our area this past weekend was the single engine plane that crashed near the municipal airport. And the pilot walked away after crawling out. All weekend it sat there, waiting the FAA, under the watchful eyes of the county sheriff's department.

Can you see it? Upside down in the newly planted corn field. Since it was only a cellphone picture, it isn't as zoomed as I would like.

The word hasn't hit the rumor mill yet as far as the cause. Weather was fine. And he didn't just "miss" the runway. The plane is quite a way from both the north-south and the east-west runways. When I came by there this afternoon there were two trucks and a four-wheeler out in the field next the the righted plane.

That poor corn crop.

And by the way. Now that I can blog from home on my iPad, I am still working out the logistics of pictures. Thanks to another update, my phone is having problems uploadingd pictures to my private Picasa albums.


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