Tuesday, July 5, 2016

We Have Bind Off Beginning

In spite of the heat, I managed to finish the body and first border of the Baby Hap. I even finished two and a half repeats of the lace bind off. Out of a total of 56. I still have a bit of knitting to go before I can call this finished.

At least I managed get most of my ends woven in. Just the last end from the white and the start of purple. And of course I may have more purple ends, if I need to add another skein of the purple.

On a totally unrelated note, I took my favorite Birkis to get mended.

About a year ago, I discovered that my favorite Birkinstocks were coming unglued. Both of them. The leather had separated from the sides of the sole. I tried to re-glue them but it didn't hold. These had gotten a bit drenched last year in my crazy day trip to Charlevoix, Petoskey and to the Big Mack. I may have gotten a bit too close to the water. Ok, I was totally wading in them.

Finally today I took them to to shoe store to be repaired. While I was there I checked out the sale loft.

These are waterproof. The only downside is that they don't match my sandal tan lines. My feet are the only part of me that are tanned.

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