It has been a busy week, and some, but not a lot of knitting.
One of the items my friend asked for in the way of knitted donations during her talk last week was leprosy bandages. They use them in the lepers hospital near her mission hospital in South Sudan. I picked up some #10 thread and began one. I will need to get some safety pins to go with them when finished. But in the meantime, it is a brainless go-anywhere project. It is a bit longer than this, as shown on my Ravelry project page.
The Broken Seed Stitch sock has grown some since last appearing here as well. Thank you Lizzie for providing scale here.
I like the way the variegated pink/peach yarn contrasts with the purple. And for the moment, a quick try on had it going over the heel with no problems. So I think the fit is good. And it makes a pretty diamond pattern as well.
The highlight of my week was my grandma day. Henceforth on Wednesdays I will be spending the day with Little Farmer, and his sister Lil' Farm Gal when she gets off the bus. I need to get on the same feeding schedule as his daycare, but we had a fun day.
EveN if I was totally worn out at the end of the day. Whew!
There has been knitting on good old Green Flowy too. I am progressing on the second front and will block both fronts at the same time. Pictures at this time on would just be redundant. I will wait until I have something new to show on this front.
Hharry and I have been doing well too. It is rather daunting to have to drive my new-to-me car in the snow and dark. But I am beginning to remember where all the buttons are.