Indeed it was early last fall. It was beginning to be a chore rather than fun. So I stopped. 

Then was a sweater that still needs buttons but it turned out a bit large.
While I mulled that over and fretted about not being told anything, I banged these out. Campfire Fingerless Mitts.
Very comfy. I had barely started them when I got word of her birth. 
Recently however I have basically dropped off Facebook and wanted a way to chronicle my knitting and other life landmarks. So I may be back sporadically but I am back. I will just be posting here, with no more sharing on Facebook so it will be a bit more private. And maybe a bit less politically correct.
Anyway, earlier this month, a life event happened. Another grand baby was born, about six weeks early! I almost missed the event, since it was only announced on Facebook. Although I was tagged, since I had not been Facebook much that day, I had to be informed of the event by a distant cousin in Canada!
Here is the little sweetie in a photo I took last Friday at age two weeks, one day. Since she was in the NICU in the big city, I hadn’t gotten a chance to see her before then. I was lost just riding in the passenger seat. Not sure when she will be home. No one tells me anything.
Since I was unable to see her in person for so long, much knitting ensued.
First was a week poncho that would work well for car seats.
Which of course was followed quickly by a matching Cupcake Hat.
Very quick and comfy. I finished the second in less than a day. My only modification was the sideways garter stitch on the bottom, to match the top. Now they won’t curl like another pair I have.
I may need another pair.
But first perhaps another baby sweater.