Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Road Trip!

Sorry for the long absence.  I will try to do a marathon blogging session to schedule some delayed posting while life happened.
This past weekend, I made a road trip with my Sis-in-Law.  She is a bit of a nervous driver, and was worried about making the trip across the state alone to visit her son's family.  He had an afternoon wedding to be in so being on time was of prime importance.  So I had volunteered to ride shotgun.
So, with the gps system plugged in, we set off.  I have never really used a gps system.  I was trained in map reading.  In other words, on my childhood family trips, when my brother and I started in with "Are we there yet?" my dad would had us road maps (free at any gas station back then), and told us where we were and let us figure it out.  As a result, I am a pretty fair navigator for car trips, if I do say so myself.
The destination programmed in by my late brother suddenly quit, about a third of the way on our trip.  We later discovered that this was by design, as he had programmed it in segments, to avoid most of the expressway driving she dislikes.  I programmed in our final destination but also dug out my little tablet and opened Google Maps.  Armed with those, as well as a printout of the directions from Bing maps we continued on our merry way.
We managed to make it just fine, despite a parade in one town on our route, on our road!  But my Maps app guided us around with no problem, other than a few puddles on the car. (Not to mention an extremely nervous driver.)  (Clarification...the puddles were on the outside.)
A great couple days were had.  Nephew and wife made it the wedding, and the reception, on the shores of Lake St. Claire.
S-i-L and I played with the boys, walked around their pond and had a wonderful time.
We saw a deer grazing in the backyard in the morning, and enjoyed a birthday pie before heading back home.
And yes, I did get some knitting done.

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