Saturday, October 5, 2013

And.....Four Steps Back

Or rather four rows. After the front knit increases I had merrily knit about five rows. As I started the return, I thought the chart was funny.

But no. I had knit the wrong cable on the right front. So you know what that meant.

Dive into the frog pond and rip-it, rip-it. So I ran needles through the sweater about four or five rows back before removing the original needle. At one time I had a 16 inch needle, a 24 inch and 4 double points, besides the original 40 inch. After ripping, some unknitting, and much gnashing of teeth, I was back to row two on the cable chart, with that delightful sticky wool/mohair wound around the skein. This yarn doesn't tend ladder down dropped stitches, except, it seems, at cables. Let's just say it was interesting.


Onward we go again. Excuse me now while I go count stitches.

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